Sunday, November 01, 2009

So, um, no one entered the chestnut cartoon contest. Well... so much for reader interaction. Maybe facebook would have been a better venue, or in maybe it's too hard to draw stuff.

Well, here is a joke for you: What do you call a bunch of chess champions acting boastful in a fancy hotel?

A: Chess nerds boasting in an open foyer.


Giovanni Schwartz said...

Oh great. So now I'm no one. Gee, thanks.

Leslie said...

I was going to enter, but I forgot until last night, then I figured it was too late. Give me to the end of the day so Gio has some competition?

krebscout said...

Sorry, the timing was wrong for me, as I was scrambling to finish my family's Halloween costumes.

Rachel Helps said...

Gio, I didn't receive an entry from you. Did you e-mail it whistler @ theboard . byu . edu?

Adam said...

Aww, I hate it when that happens.

Obviously, I am also guilty. But I'm not much for drawing, honestly...