Monday, September 10, 2007

I feel like I don't want to tell you about my life. I've returned to this blank blog page again and again, and I can't think of anything I want to share. Selfish me.


Andrea Landaker said...
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ahem. said...

Ah hah! I knew I'd discover your real name someday!

Also, are you feeling too selfish right now to lend/give me an envelope? Actually, can I have two envelopes?

Rach said...

I can share with you that there is a city in Canada named after you. (your nym at least) And I went there.

Chase said...

It's ok, Stacie. Your identity is safe with me.

Chase said...

Oh crap. Nevermind.

Thirdmango said...

It's a good thing I see you more then once a week then, I know how well your life is Rick.

Andrea Landaker said...
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