Monday, October 30, 2006


I just called a guy and asked him out on his message machine. I am such a dork. Hopefully my social ineptitude is endearing. >_<

So, I was reading all about sex in my abnormal psychology textbook, and I was like, "gee, that sounds fun!" But then the next day our bishop gave us all a chastity talk, so then I was like, "oh yeah, sex is more than having fun." Then I read a post about how fun labor is, and then I was like, "man, that does not sound fun." Um... nevermind...


N.F. said...


Tangerine said...

Haha, was that Mynamyn's post that you read? So did I. It was pretty hilarious. But... yeah, not fun. Makes me want to be a kid still for a long, long time. :)

Rachel Helps said...

yeah, it was Mynamyn's, as referenced in Uffish's post.

Thirdmango said...

ah how cute, you're so endearing. *pats Whistler on the head*

Th. said...


Boy. Tell me about it.

Yarjka said...

I must warn you, I don't check my messages, and rarely get word that someone has left one ... so, you may just have to tell me in person that you want to go out with me :)

Rachel Helps said...

oh, oops. ;-)

[you wish, yarjka}